Irregular Innovation

Forward Horizon Group’s services enable us to support startups, governments, and businesses operating in post-conflict or challenging environments, providing tailored strategies and solutions for effective, ethical, and sustainable interventions.

Forward Deployable Team

Our forward-deployed team is actively engaged in global practice areas extending beyond the reach of traditional consulting firms. Our expert advantage lies in providing firsthand consulting and intelligence on the challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with addressing unorthodox problems and navigating contested environments.

Strategy Consulting

Our research and operations teams offer strategy consulting to partners, clients, and our internal stakeholders. Firsthand insights gathered by our forward-deployed team are processed and combined with open-source intelligence. The result is highly actionable, solution-oriented research, fueling both external partnerships and our own distinctive business strategy.

Applied Research and Intelligence

FHG’s Applied Research and Intelligence team synthesizes first-hand intelligence from their forward-deployed teams with open-source data, providing bespoke, interdisciplinary insights. They support decision-making with in-depth analysis on geopolitical, security, and economic developments. This agile unit crafts challenge-specific intelligence products, due-diligence, and monitoring and evaluation services that drive both client strategies and FHG's own operational approaches, ensuring partners and clients navigate complex environments with informed confidence.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We catalyze an ecosystem of far flung private firms, humanitarian organizations, governments and American start-ups who have identified areas of impact and are ready to overcome the challenges ahead on their road to success. Our relationships are built on trust, resilience, and collaborative excellence. For all of us, success means mutual gain which is found in the achieved innovation and growth of all. 

Digital Services

FHG's Digital team specializes in leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance operational capabilities and intelligence gathering. This practice focuses on producing highly actionable data analysis and developing open-source tools and frameworks. These innovations are crucial in augmenting our on-the-ground research efforts and supporting democratic societies. By integrating these advanced digital solutions, FHG's Digital team ensures our operations and client strategies are informed by the most accurate and timely intelligence, strengthening our commitment to fostering secure, informed, and resilient communities worldwide.

If success is on your horizon, move forward.